Last week I went on a trip with my school. We got to go into aqueducts, caves, and we even got to ride some horses. I had so much fun! Here are a few pictures of y trip.
This picture was taken at the aqueducts. We hadn't gone into the tunnels yet and the scenery was really whimsical. I don't know. To me, this picture looks like it's from some sic-fi movie. This spot would be great for a Doctor Who episode.
We found bats! They were sleeping so we got to get very close. I didn't take a picture, but we also saw a pair of cuddling bats with their wings around each other. Awwwww....
This is some very old graffiti. These people had horrible handwriting. If you are going to graffiti and make your mark, make it legible!
This fresh water spring was right around Horace's Villa. Great water.
I took this when we were on a long walk. I loved the scenery and this town was lovely.
Horses! They were very friendly and I tried to pet each and every one. There were also some foals.
This is a wolf that lived at our hotel. She was very sweet and loved getting pet.
She was also massive. She was almost as tall as me when she stood up on her paws.
This is the sign for the cave we explored.
The cave cakes! The stalactites were forming here. Slowly but surely.
Freedom! We made it to the exit!
The trip was super fun and I wish our school did these trips every weekend!
I can dream :)